New Normal

We had such a lazy long weekend last week and it was lovely. On Saturday when Norm got home from his meeting we went out for lunch. We went to Dario's as we fancied a burger and there were seats available outside on the patio at our fave table. We both ordered a burger. …

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In the Deep South

The weather was a bit hectic all last weekend and then on Monday we awoke to gorgeous weather. We decided to not let it deter us and so we spent Saturday afternoon faffing in the garden. My first project was my fairy garden which we were going to put into the succulent garden. I had …

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Choosing Happiness

I had such happiness and I was so spoiled over the weekend and that gratitude has drifted over into this week too. I just keep getting these waves of complete contentment going through me. I know my kids are healthy. I have a handsome, kind and wonderful husband. My mom is still with us and …

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Birthday Kittens & Stone Memories

This week has been full of a lot of anticipation and happy events. On the work front, I have been given a pay rise. Last year none of us received raises due to the impact of COVID on the economy. It was backdated to my review date so I got an extra bit of cash …

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Soul Art

This week we have had some severe weather in SA. Last night it hailed, we even had thunder and lightening. We have had some torrential rain and even flooding down the coast where Lily lives. We lit a fire today as soon as we were out of bed as it is crazy cold. However, the …

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The Birds and the Bees

One thing about living in Africa is that I am confronted with how privileged we are on a regular basis. Especially when something happens in one of the townships and you see people losing what little they have and then just getting on with life. There were 2 fires in our village this week. On …

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It Comes in Threes

As the Queen once famously said about her entire year, this has been a weekus horribilis (aka a horrid week). In fact things have been extremely stressful since June when Navajo died. On Tuesday afternoon I heard that Kate, a friend from my Drumming group, had passed away. Kate is the gorgeous redhead in the …

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Birthdays and Biopsies

This week marks 14 years since I moved back to South Africa from the UK. Norm only joined me in December that same year but I arrived on the 7th and started my new job on the 9th of August. It is easy to remember because that date is Women's Day. As well as the …

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A Trip Down Under

This week has felt very heavy emotionally. The news is full of flooding in multiple areas of the globe, raging fires, droughts both in South Africa as well as a lot of the rest of the world and of course there are still people dying from the pandemic. It gets hard to deal with and …

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Birthdays and Renovations

Norm has never been big on birthdays, but every year I drag him out for a meal and buy him gifts and he is always grateful to receive them. I want to celebrate my birthday for a whole week and that kind of sums up the differences between us in a nutshell. His birthday was …

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