Outta Oxytocin

We have continued our new date night tradition. Norm and I decided to go out for dinner last Sunday as we had been home all weekend due to the Two Oceans Marathon and we felt a wee bit of cabin fever. The wind was crazy all weekend which also creates it's own form of chaos! …

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The Knowledge

Last weekend the Mother City was blessed with the most glorious weather! Spring was supposed to have sprung in SA back in September, but I think the memo must have been delivered by our non-existent postal service because Cape Town weather has ranged from haphazard to miserable. Typically just as we started to relax into …

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Slippery as a Snail

No matter how determined we are on our journey there is always the possibility of slippage from our path. As per my last blog it can be due to the little devilish voice of our Inner Saboteur or it can be other banana peels which land at our feet. I slipped from my Keto path …

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Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels

Tuesday marked the one year anniversary of the first lockdown in SA for Covid. It was supposed to be for 21 days but a year later and many of us are still practicing isolation and COVID protocols where possible. I mentioned in last week's blog that our drum circle was meeting last Sunday and I …

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Going Viral

The Apocalypse is in full flow now. *Cue menacing music*. You cannot escape the barrage of information if you read the news or go onto social media. This 'end of the earth' feeling was enhanced by the insane weather we had on Monday. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wwpOPJFVz/ The howling wind was bashing the trees and making the doors …

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Love and Hate

The crazy weather has continued this week. It has been very hot and the wind has been insane. Some of our windows sound like they are going to blow in. I can't begin to imagine what it is like in a shack made of flimsy corrugated iron. After a day of lazing about listening to …

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Everything You Need

This week has been really busy. Thankfully I am finally well. My doctor put me onto steroids on Monday as my cough was not improving. I did not read the instructions and only took one tablet the first day but the next morning I took the full dose of 6 pills and it made me …

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The Karma of Kings

The wind started up on Thursday night and howled viciously like it sometimes does in Cape Town. I sat listening to the windows rattling in their panes and the doors banging against their frames and thought how terrifying it must be in this weather to live in a shack in one of our townships. On …

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The Spirit of Water

We had yet another spooky experience last week. In my last post I mentioned the voices which woke me on Wednesday morning. On Friday night as Norm and I were going to bed Norm came into the bedroom and looked at me a bit oddly when I walked in from the ensuite and said 'were …

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