Manifesting a Man

I had two pretty fabulous things happen this week. First of all, if you read last week's post you will have seen that I wrote about trying to manifest a male house sitter? I got him! A friend told me about his son who is a single adult and a home body so the house …

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Emotional Regulation

There are so many terms which have popped up into everyday conversation since I was parenting my littles, one that my therapist throws in a lot is 'emotional regulation'. I had never heard this term when I was a mom of little kids and I lived in LA and went to a million kids classes …

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The Elixir

Once we open ourselves up to opportunities, often the experiences come flying at us quickly and that is what seems to be happening with me since I decided to start venturing out of my cave. Last weekend seemed to be non-stop but it was packed with fun. I mentioned in my last post that we …

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As it was a 4 day work week it flew by, especially with work and life being so busy. Luckily little Panda is much better and that has been our primary stressor. On Friday Panda went to the vet for his end of meds check up and they have decided to keep him on antibiotics …

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It Comes in Threes

As the Queen once famously said about her entire year, this has been a weekus horribilis (aka a horrid week). In fact things have been extremely stressful since June when Navajo died. On Tuesday afternoon I heard that Kate, a friend from my Drumming group, had passed away. Kate is the gorgeous redhead in the …

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Ganesh’s Garden

On the public holiday Norm and I made a lot of progress on our succulent garden. We moved the Ganesh statue my kids had given me out there as the centre piece. He looks so lovely in the sun. We moved a lot of my existing pots from the patio and from other areas …

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Hillbilly Brogue

Every Christmas I create two or three children's Christmas boxes for charity but due to Covid the usual gift programs did not run this year. I understand why but it made me so sad to not be giving the gift of happiness to any little children. Then I spotted that my friend Letishia from Queen …

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Buddhas and Beaches

Last weekend I had a bit of cabin fever so Norm offered to take me out for a bite of lunch on Saturday. That meant getting out of my jimjams and putting on make-up for a change. We had intended to go to one of our fave spots, Hout Bay Manor, but the wind …

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It appears that some warmth is finally starting to find its way through all of the damp and cold we have been having. Spring in South Africa starts in September and usually the temperatures rise over the season and the rains decrease, but everything seems to be lagging behind this year. I am cautiously optimistic …

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Simple Pleasures

As much as I have been resisting joining in with the perky 'Be Productive Brigade' I must confess to a feeling of great self satisfaction at the end of last weekend. Norm and I were both busy wee bees and I have really enjoyed looking at the fruits of our labours all week. As well …

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