Rollin on the River

My kids cannot believe that I can tolerate animals in my environment, much less sleeping in the bed with me. I have always been incredibly OCD, in particular about germs. I still am a germ avoider where I can be but I do not stress out about their mess any longer. Usually. Norm arrived back …

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Safe Words

Norm and I ended up having a lovely Sunday last week, even though we had no plans to do anything at all. I had been wanting to go to the Under the Trees Market in Constantia for ages but we are terrible about getting organised and out of the house on weekends. We decided the …

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Three Butterflies

I've always felt that I receive communications from my grandmother via things with wings. This week I had three unusual interactions with butterflies. On Thursday I was working at my desk and a butterfly flew into the lounge and hovered by my desk then turned and flew back out. When I was telling Norman this …

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This was a bigly YUGE week in the USA. On Tuesday the second impeachment hearings began and Mr. Trump's attorneys and the House impeachment managers were each given two hours to present their cases to senators for debate over the constitutionality of the impeachment hearings. The 8 impeachment managers were appointed by House Speaker Nancy …

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Shaky Grounds

The drama with the transition of power in the US drags on. Trump has stated that he will not concede and even that he plans to remain for a second term. Trump and his mercenary henchman Giuliani continue to spin a fantastical conspiracy that only their followers are buying into. It is an embarrassment …

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On The Trail of The Whales

After almost 8 months isolating Norm and I felt like it was safe to venture out for a weekend away. We needed some time for just us without the dogs and the cats being the primary centre of our attention. We decided to go to Hermanus for a weekend as it is close enough to …

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Balance and Control

Our last weekend in the states was spent with me in bed as I was so ill. I missed our family dinner which had been planned on our last Saturday and also a BBQ with friends which was organized for the Sunday. I spent most of Monday alternating sleeping with packing. Mom caught the bug …

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Family, Friends and Festive Frivolities

I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with drag queens. So when we were invited to attend Drag Bingo at The Big Chill in downtown Chattanooga I was ever so excited. I asked the hosts for a photo when they arrived. My cousin Warren and his wife Anita collected us. My …

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