A Little Shift to the Left

You know when you were a kid and you were on holiday and you had that ‘summer feeling’ where your skin felt salty and tight from chlorine or sea water? Sitting with damp swimsuits on the chair cushions and knowing you will regret it later after you have changed and you get your new clothes wet. I still love that feeling, it makes you feel so relaxed.

Last weekend my muscles were sore from my pool exercises. I did something at each step: squats on the first and the second steps, triceps dips and press ups on the second step, then I sit on the bottom step and do leg exercises, then I bicycle across the pool back and forth – literally doing circles with my legs while my arms pull and push the water back and forth to keep me floating in one place. I float on my back and kick my legs, float on my stomach and kick my legs and once tired then I just play! Pretend to be a dolphin, then a plus size mermaid. Floating and singing.

Anyway, how much does this mermaid by Honduran artist, D Jose Maldonado look like me???

I also often do a bit of glam even though there is no one except me and possibly Finn around. I do not feel that my body is beautiful in a suit so I always wear a nice cover up, a cute big hat, red lipstick and put my hair up in a chignon to make myself feel a wee bit of elegant. I do it for myself even though no one sees me!

It is as I told my therapist, I may be the biggest woman there but I will have put in my best efforts to feel nice and I will do that while wearing something that fits me! Women who try not to buy new clothing when they gain weight and continue to wear their old size for far too long just defeat their objective of trying not to admit they are a bit overweight as it is not very flattering stuffed in a sweater like a sausage. If you are a size 18 you will look far better wearing a size 20 than a size 16! Cut out the label if it makes you feel better. I do not care a bit, the size is like my age – just a random number to which I hold zero attachment. In fact I tend to buy my clothes too big as they are more comfortable.

I am aware of my privilege that I am able to have that ‘holiday’ feeling every day and especially on the weekends when I have nowhere to be or nothing to do, just relaxing and feeling the sun on my skin. Watching the clouds, the wind blowing the trees, the light changing on the mountains. I can sit for hours just gazing at my view. Even when cloudy I can watch the formation change continuously.

Finn loves getting his feet wet on the steps. He is not as keen on swimming as he was last year, now he is happy just running about on the steps.

The dark clouds rolled in and it poured rain on Sunday evening. It rained really hard all evening and then it just stopped and the sky cleared as if there had been no storm at all.

There was a huge fire in Pringle Bay and we had a lot of smoke on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. We have been having far too many fires here! I have been praying for the animals and the humans to all be safe.

Panda has been my shadow and taking Pixie’s spot at my feet when I am sitting on the patio.

This week I had an interesting convo with Norm about my birds. I said to him I had filled all of the feeders but I do not see the birds eating the food and he said that there is too much of their natural food available and when I shifted my perspective to the trees he was right! There were loads of birds in the garden, they were just eating the flowers / food on the trees and plants rather than the birdseed. Maybe it is like humans who often prefer salads when it is summer and cozy fatty meals when it is winter? I just thought it interesting how much your view can change if you just shift it a little to the left?

Instead of focusing on what I wanted to see (birds) I focused on the feeders where I expected to see the birds and missed the birds completely. It is the same on manifesting – do not focus on what you do not want, set your goals and focus on them. Do not tell the universe HOW to deliver what you want to see, just view the world as if it is already there. I spend hours imagining my new floors and things in my garden. You may call it day dreaming, I call it manifesting. (See how I shifted the perspective?)

I had an appointment with my Neurodiversity Therapist on Monday this week. The therapist really honed in on my premonitions and the areas of linked consciousness between Lily and I. I told her about Pixie passing away and that her spirit had been to visit Norm the night she passed and that she had been to visit me on Sunday night. I smelled a horrid smell that only Pixie ever produced, then I saw a flash of long ginger fur out of the corner of my eye and I knew it was Pixie being cheeky and saying hi. I speak to Pixie often and feel her near me still so it is nice to have her around us.

The therapist asked me if I had heard of the term ‘Synesthesia‘ and she said that it is something that is often linked to Neuro-Diversity and that what I experience can be lumped under that umbrella. Some of the characteristics I read about I experience but others I do not, it is primarily the feeling of being in another dimension for a brief bit of time and then exactly what happened in that dimension on a previous occasion happens in this dimension. Sort of like déjà vu but backwards. Déjà WILL View lol.

So she says she can see a glow in me when I talk about my premonitions and that it is part of me which I should embrace instead of repress and that often this sort of thing starts to develop or reappear when people are starting to heal or to accept themselves and all of their different ‘bits’. That it is a gift and must be treated as such. I told her that it had been repressed and not spoken about since it happened as a child because I was told I was making it up . Meanwhile I think my gran may have experienced it too and wanted me to not tell anyone about it. But that is only a feeling. You must remember we were not far away from the times of burning of the witches (or the normal women randomly deemed as such).

My therapist asked me how I can nurture and encourage this skill and I told her that every morning I ask for premonitions and dreams that provide me with insight or knowledge and then for the Creator to help me understand them. I will try and remember to ask for this prior to going to sleep as well. Meditation is vital as it happens when I can slip into that altered state. I slipped into it at the soul circle last Saturday during the meditation session. If only I could slip into that state at will instead of just by happenstance. I think I should just practice. If nothing else it will keep me calm to do all of the meditation.

The next day this post came up. It is obviously Greek mythology and not about Animism but it is a similar concept of each person holding their own powers from the creator. For me it emphasizes that I need to embrace and not fear these insights.

I know these skills are gifts from The Creator and that I would only use these gifts to help and not harm people. There is nothing to fear, however when I am caught up in one of these ‘dreams’ where I think I am awake as I cannot wake up, it is a bit frightening at the time.

On Wednesday Norm took me to get an eye test. I found a few pairs of glasses I liked. Eventually I narrowed it down to three pair.

Pair 1) I think these are a bit too big and may be quite heavy with my thick assed lenses. They also sit on my cheeks when I smile. Pair 2) I love 2 but not the blue colour. I am too matchy-matchy and it will put me off my game. Pair 3) I love these. I love the funky stripes inside the ‘arms’ / ‘legs’. I love that they are black and that they have a slight cat eye shape.

I do not know what happened to this photo Norm took as I look drunk. Also, look how skew my mouth is? What is up with that? In other news, how do you like my new frock from Maya Prass? I love their clothes and this dress is no exception! It is loose, comfy, cool and soft (and I bought it 2 sizes too big).

In our family chat group we could not agree on which pair of specs looked best on me so I put the pics on Facebook for voting. Of course the majority of people voted for the blue ones. I love the shape of 2 as well but just cannot do blue glasses on a full time basis.

I ordered pair 3 on Thursday so hopefully they are here quickly. Then I can send my current ones off for tinting as I am going to have them made into sunglasses.

Wednesday evening we had takeaway Portuguese filet steaks, chips and a Greek salad from George at Casareccio. We sat out in the smoky garden and enjoyed them.

George consistently has one of the best steaks in town, tender, juicy and perfectly pink.

On Friday we had a friend over to quote on some bits and bobs we need done, part of it can be done now but part of it can only be done after the new floors are finished downstairs. All part of our grand redesign plan.

Meanwhile I just potter about continuously in the garden. I bought a little metal basin on Takealot. I always peep at the clearance items for garden goodies when I do a shop and the planter was just over R100. I then went around the garden to see which plants were doing well and knicked a bloom or a pinch here and there to plant. So we will see how it does. It makes me happy to look at it. I love a bargain!

Norm also finished painting my metal shelves and so we put them by the pool and moved some pots onto them. They look fabulous!

Today I am going to the spa for a facial and then tomorrow Caitlin is coming over to help me decorate my new Christmas hats. I have feathers and beads to add to them and Caitlin to calm me down and stop me from going over the top.

It is stinking hot today again so after the spa I will be swimming. I hope you all enjoy your weekend and week ahead. Until next time, Kisses from the Kitten xoxoxoxoxo

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