Inadvertently Prepared

I have mentioned before that Norm is doing an investigation into my family tree? You can read my previous post here. He is making great progress and just today has now followed my father's lineage back to the 1500s and linked us to King James of Scotland. In 1530/1533 Princess Jean Elizabeth of Scotland, Kelso …

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Outta Oxytocin

We have continued our new date night tradition. Norm and I decided to go out for dinner last Sunday as we had been home all weekend due to the Two Oceans Marathon and we felt a wee bit of cabin fever. The wind was crazy all weekend which also creates it's own form of chaos! …

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Last week I mentioned that I had been off of work with gastro the previous Friday, but when I posted on Saturday I was feeling so much better that I had dinner that night thinking it was a 12 hour bug and I was recovered. Unfortunately, I woke in the middle of the night again …

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Safe Words

Norm and I ended up having a lovely Sunday last week, even though we had no plans to do anything at all. I had been wanting to go to the Under the Trees Market in Constantia for ages but we are terrible about getting organised and out of the house on weekends. We decided the …

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Double the Trouble

This week flew by. The slow downhill ride from December to mid-January rolls past at triple time it seems. Our trip to the US seemed so far ahead when we booked it but it is so close now. We received a confirmation email about our flight this week which reassures me. My Mom has already …

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Weekend at Woodies

The last few weeks have been riddled with chaos and filled with both natural and unnatural disasters both near and far. Terrorism and the alt-right hate groups kicked off on Saturday the 21st in my home country, the USA. There was an alt-right rally in Charlottesville Virginia which resulted in a battle between the good guys …

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Finally An Angel

This has been such a stressful week for me. Like most introverts I do not enjoy change or new situations. I know I do not behave like your typical introvert as I am bolshy and opinionated, but I cringe at people asking me questions about myself or trying to communicate with me if we do not have …

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