Understanding Different Types of Intuition: Insights, Symbols, and Sensations

I briefly mentioned the Intuition workshop I attended last weekend, but I have now had a bit of time to sit with the info and absorb it. There was too much info to cover it all, but I am working through it and relating it to my own experiences where possible. Obviously the source of …

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Rollin on the River

My kids cannot believe that I can tolerate animals in my environment, much less sleeping in the bed with me. I have always been incredibly OCD, in particular about germs. I still am a germ avoider where I can be but I do not stress out about their mess any longer. Usually. Norm arrived back …

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Vultures & Cranes & Babies, Oh My!

I have had a rather chaotic week. First, I was living like all the single ladies last Monday to Wednesday as Norm was away in Johannesburg. He had booked the doggy day care to take Finn all day so he was occupied all day and exhausted at night. I still had 4 beasties which I …

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Adjustment of Intentions

I cannot believe that we are mid-January already and that I have now been back at the client for a full week. I had my contract extended another 6 months and I am really happy about that, I adore this client. I would be delighted to stay until I retire at 65 in a few …

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The Foot in the Trap

This week in my session with my therapist she told me a little story to help me understand and be able to explain to others if one of my irrational reactions occur. I had told her about an incident when Norm had mistakenly hurt me when we were moving the new TV and when I …

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Manifest your Requirements

On Monday the contractor came to do a final measurement of the windows and doors that are going to be replaced. I am so excited that it is finally coming to be. Major manifestation in progress! Over the weekend I saw a family of Guinea fowl walking along our street. They never come into our …

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Used to be Young

I was so happy to be able to fly to George to see Lily, Trevor, Josh and Amelia. Josh's mom Jackie is home at the moment and it was lovely to get to spend time with her too. We are very similar in so many ways. Josh and Lily picked me up from the airport …

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Alphabet Li & CreepoCop

In my last post I mentioned attending soul circle, but I did not tell you that several people told me that my energy is completely different than when I first attended a year ago. Apparently I was a ball of nervous energy then, I think someone called me a 'bumblebee' which makes me giggle. Someone …

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The Bigger Picture

I have quite a few visual challenges in that I am very myopic (i.e. 'near-sighted') as well as I have an eye disease which affects my vision, but another challenge is that I am colour blind. My Dad used to call it 'colour ignorant' because we do see colour, we just do not always know …

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