Understanding Different Types of Intuition: Insights, Symbols, and Sensations

I briefly mentioned the Intuition workshop I attended last weekend, but I have now had a bit of time to sit with the info and absorb it. There was too much info to cover it all, but I am working through it and relating it to my own experiences where possible. Obviously the source of …

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Strength of the Feminine

This week has been full of stress, trauma and drama. My smallest Pomeranian, Panda, has had an odd turn which has had the whole family so upset. Norm had meetings on Wednesday and when he got home he noticed that Panda's normally high pitched yap was a coarse gruff bark. https://instagram.com/p/BynVDbah80Q/ Norm took him to …

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Baby Daddy

The World Cup has kicked off and our office has been bitten by the fever. We were designated teams and so the office has allowed each team to decorate their section with the team colours. My section got England. https://instagram.com/p/Bj9eNFFFkqG/ My British colleague brought in a flag for us. https://www.instagram.com/p/BkAcQeTFkNc/?taken-by=stresskitten Last week flew by as …

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Solstice Celebrations 

I started on Saturday with the Corticosteroids my doctor prescribed for my on-going issues with my ears and sinuses but they have made no difference whatsoever. I went back on Monday for another blood pressure check and to get my lab results. My blood pressure is still high and needs to be monitored. The lab results showed …

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