Manifesting a Man

I had two pretty fabulous things happen this week. First of all, if you read last week’s post you will have seen that I wrote about trying to manifest a male house sitter? I got him!

A friend told me about his son who is a single adult and a home body so the house should be safe, he is a dog person so the pets should be safe! We are going to meet him to see how he gets on with the pups but it is in his calendar so I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Second, I also mentioned that the client had closed down all projects and I was on the market for a new project? The client found the funds to extend me until the end of July. That gives them time to try and find the funds for a further contract as I am very happy there.

As I tend to obsess over things which are unresolved, these resolutions are both helping my anxiety no end! But then it comes back to why do I get anxious, why do I not realise that the universe wants to meet our needs.

I turned both over in my prayers and asked for help resolving and there you go, the path is cleared. I just had to ask for that help. I had been so obsessed, which is a Neurodiversity trait. It will run continuously around and around in a loop in my head until it is resolved.

Finn has been going to the dog walker every day since Monday as Norm has been away. Finn comes home exhausted and happy. He wolfs down his dinner (and whatever he can steal of Panda’s) and then crashes for the night. Panda had not been eating yesterday but today he is fine, it is best not to stress if he misses a meal.

Last Sunday Norm left at 4am and I got up early and started gardening while it was still cool. I had a large Buddha head which had originally contained a candle but the candle was finished, so I filled the bottom with stones for drainage, the top with potting soil and pinched off some bits of succulents to plant.

I had one more pot left from our recent Facebook second hand pot acquisition and I filled and planted it as well.

I also decided to repair a few things that had been bugging me. One of the ends had fallen off my very rusty wind chime. Norm kept saying he would give me some wire but I finally decided to use my girl skills and I stripped down a little metal bin bag tie and used it to fix the chime.

I also fixed this metal shelf which the inner part had split from the frame. I used 2 zip ties to secure it. I would have preferred black cable ties but I could not find them.

Later in the day our friend Mark came around with his boy Hunter, Finn’s bestie.

They hung out for a while so the boys could play (play fight) and Finn could get rid of some energy. The two dogs just battle continuously. It sounds fierce but it is just posing.

After they left Finn was broken hearted and stood and expressed his angst to the neighbourhood.

That night I ordered a take away delivery from Mexicola Locale and it was gorgeous! I had a pulled pork taco and the carne nachos. The nachos were too much for me, oh and they are a bit flat from the take away container lid in case you are wondering.

I had my friend T over for dinner on Tuesday and I had ordered some Pulled Pork in my grocery shopping and what I had expected to be slices or chunks of pork were shredded bits of pork swimming in sauce. I had no alternatives, so we had that with an Asian slaw. Odd combo I know!

The next night I had the rest of the odd saucy pork and a ready made macaroni and cheese which was not bad. Not that good either, but not that bad.

I cooked a couple of pots of soup from those big ready made packets of chopped veg etc. and you just add broth. I made a split pea which was just divine and a minestrone. Both did me for a lunch one day and a dinner the next. I love soup especially when it is cold. It has been sunny but chilly.

The mobile dog groomer came on Thursday morning. Both boys smelled so good afterwards. Little Panda hates it because he hates getting wet but he is always covered in bits of food and dirt so he needs a good scrub every month.

They both looked so cute in their scarves. Finn was posing on his hill and the little birds were swarming around the feeder above his head. He was oblivious.

He only chases doves. We have a family of 4 ring necked doves who live in our garden. The dad is an arsehole. I call him Rudy because of his rudeness. He screams and chases off all of the birds if he decides he wants their food or their bath or just the square of grass they dare to perch on. He flies directly at my head and then veers off at the last minute, screaming with rage. I would love to know what the neighbours think about the conversations I have with Rudy. I hope they do not think he is our child that I am telling to ‘feck off and not be so obnoxious’. They might phone child services.

This morning was loads of fun. I went to a workshop given by my friend Tamlyn. This is the one that I mentioned previously that was rescheduled.

It was so fascinating! Tamlyn guided us through various meditations and we had a few activities which were so eye opening. First Tamlyn hands out a clipboard with sheets of paper on it. We do our first guided meditation and Tamlyn says we must make note of anything that comes to mind. I immediately drew a quick little doodle of a turtle.

Then Tam asks us to draw a little human shaped object on the paper and holds up a drawing which looked a lot like my turtle with curly hair! I thought that was so funny, like those mind games where one person draws a shape and the other tries to guess it.

We had various things which Tamlyn asked us about and we wrote out what came to mind and then discussed it. One exercise was that we used our non-dominant hand to select a card from a deck. We then wrote down what we felt when we looked at the card. This is the card I drew below.

I wrote down that the word ‘nourishment’ made me think of food. I felt this in my stomach / abdomen, the feeling I felt was a churning like my stomach was empty (it was not as I had just eaten a croissant during break). The place that came to mind was my grandmother’s garden. I thought of stars in the sky and self-love.

Tamlyn then read out what the book said about the card and it almost always aligned with what we had all written down.

It was just so interesting to see how specific the cards were for each and every person! They were so specific to what we were each going through, or was it that we tailored our interpretation of the card to fit what we were thinking about? It is interesting either way and both I assume are our intuition giving input?

Tam is going to start doing a workshop each month on different topics and I am looking forward to attending, it really was so interesting. Honing my intuition is something I want to do.

I have booked for Norm and I to go to a show at the Theatre on the Bay. This little theatre is literally a few minutes away, right at the sea and I booked for a Sunday afternoon matinee, perfect for us old farts!

It is such a cute little camp building, located quite appropriately in Camp’s Bay, right on the seaside.

Photo Credit

Norm and I have always been theatre bunnies. In the UK when the kids were young we took them to many shows in London. Then when we moved here, we used to go to almost every production in all of the theatres across Cape Town, but then Covid hit, the world closed down and we are just out of the habit of leaving the house. I am trying to get us back into it but Norm is just happier at home these days. Luckily I have various friends for different types of things so if I want to go to some event that Norm is not keen on I can almost always find a plus one! But I am also quite often happier at home, but there are some music events and shows that can still entice me out of the cave.

Norm is on his way home from the airport, he is sick and coughing and I hope it is not Covid again. I have missed him but do not think I will be kissing him until he stops coughing, I am so paranoid about germs.

I hope you all stay safe and until next time, Kisses from the Kitten xoxoxoxoxo

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