The Net Will Appear

Last weekend was so chilled and low key, despite the weather being in the high 20s to 30s Celsius. It was crazy hot and when my women friends came around on Saturday I decided to just put out fruit, cheese, meats, vegetables, dips, crackers and things to snack on rather than do any cooked food. Norm got up early and popped out to the shops and got loads of things to put out for a beautiful table full of treats. We had charcuterie, a cheese board, crudites, chips, crackers and dips selection. I am of the ‘get it yourself’ style of hostessing, I usually make sure there is everything you need at the table or nearby and you must just sort yourself out, but as we were seated outside it was a bit awkward.

But it was a stunning day and Finn was overly excited. He was relatively well behaved but was a bit overly invasive.

It was so hot that we spent a lot of time just pedaling about partially submerged in the water. In between paddling, we drank, nibbled from all of the goodies, drank our drinks and chatted. It really was lovely. It made me remember why women friends are so important in our lives. It was so relaxing to just bounce about in the water and talk nonsense. I was sipping on vodka seltzers which are so easy, you just throw them over ice.

We all caught a bit more sun than we wanted and Norm looked so handsome in his white T-shirt and glowing tan!

The following day we had tons of wind.

It was just one of those weekends where I felt so content with my life, my wonderful children, my beautiful grandchild, my amazing husband, my mom, my friends, my job, my home. I just love my life and feel so blessed. The more I dwelled on this the happier I felt. We have the ability to shift or determine our attitudes but I get so focused on things I forget this. Norm and I were getting on brilliantly well. I was feeling blessed, happy and fortunate.

But with the usual sense of foreboding my brain starts to panic that it will all be taken away or that some catastrophe will occur. I banished those thoughts and focused back on my happiness.

Or is the shift due to me realising (yes again) that I am right where I am meant to be. We always are. If it is challenging ask ‘what am I meant to learn from this?’ instead of ‘why do these things keep happening to me?’ Often, the traumas are not our karma, we are just a cameo in some instances, but we are always ‘involved’ in these scenarios for a reason. We still need to focus on being present.

I think part of my issue is I am never ‘settled’ in SA. I had always envisioned being in the UK when we needed government health care (as in soon really – I manage to fall all of the time, I fell getting out of the pool this week). But I realised that life is so temporary I should just worry about the present. Well other than saving for a pension! Whereas not being ‘settled’ makes me unsettled.

The thought of having to start over somewhere new and build a new set of friends is just too much for me to even consider. I am so content here.

It was stinking hot all week long. I swam when Finn and Norm went out for their walk.

We had a full moon on Thursday, a Wolf Moon. I sat on the patio and watched it as it was just so beautiful. I could feel the pull, the main thought being that I am on the brink of some pretty magical things. I have always been powerful with regards to intentions and manifestations but I think that my clairvoyance / premonitions / visions or whatever you wish to call them are about to come to the fore. Maybe I should try giving up my sleeping tablets to see what happens as my premonitions have always come in the form of dreams that later came true. It always felt sort of like the ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ scenario with me in a parallel universe where the reality curtain slipped just a wee bit. It is hard to describe to be honest!

Part of it is growth and healing from my issues and part of it is from a conscious decision that I will stay happy. I will accept whatever happens and try to be more of a ‘go with the flow’ kinda girl. Because the root of all drama and distress following a change in itinerary is due to not being in control. It is me being a control freak. Just let it go and go along with whatever happens, do not stress about being out of control. Maybe I should let Norm be in control like on flights, he keeps us sorted and organises the entire trip?

One thing he is completely in control of are the house renovations. I am in charge of choosing the paints and tiles and cosmetic things. I also choose the basins and toilets etc. I only have one more bathroom to renovate and that is a half bath/ understairs loo / water closet or whatever you know it as. We just call it the downstairs loo. I am tiling it floor to ceiling in large beigey / grey / cream tiles. This will go with the colour of screed that we have planned for the floors. The brighter floors will really refresh the house and make it look so much more up to date in combination with the black windows.

Now I will focus mentally on my new downstairs floors, the new windows at the back of the house and my new turquoise unit for the lounge. I also want a cupboard with a door built for the under stairs area just to close that area off. There are also a few things we need done outside. I still need a totem carver if anyone knows anyone hit me up. We need a wall built and some dirt brought in to fill the new bed but we have a guy for that, he is also going to repave the driveway. We need the downstairs of the inside and all of the outside of the house painted. We need the patio rebuilt and a new railing put in on our Juliet balcony outside the bedrooms. We will get there slowly! But once we do one thing we start focusing on another.

I am also getting rid of our huge dresser in the dining room. It is not really my vibe any longer. I want a turquoise Chinese style sideboard.

I tried to order this one but apparently it is missing from stock. So I am setting the intention for one to come into my life, R10k budget. Close by / safe purchase conditions. Or for this one to be found ideally, I love it so much.

Here is the screenshot where I said I was manifesting the chair Norm gave me, I got it for about 2k not 1k but it was not second hand and it is so comfy and I love it just so much.

So let us get the next thing I covet in line! The windows are in progress and the floors next.

We had a Wolf Full Moon this week, the first full moon of 2024. I put all of my crystals out in the moonlight to ‘charge’.

I use my crystals when manifesting so I need them up to be at their best energy capacity. I thought it was apt that I pull from my Medicine Cards after the full moon.

First I concentrated hard on Pixie. I told the cards I wanted to know how Pixie is, whether she is happy and healthy. I drew the blank shield.

It talked about having a special closeness with a particular animal which I found amazing. Pixie and I were very close, she was literally at my side all of the time. She came to me for comfort and protection. It reassured me she has crossed over and she is happy.

Next I just pulled a card with no questions or anything else in particular. I drew the Eagle contrary. It emphasized my need for remembering my power and my connection to the Great Spirit. It also talks about loving myself, something I work on all the time.

We had soul circle on Saturday morning and it was a new venue. It was lovely and comfy and clean and it was a full group in attendance. It was a lovely session as always. We talked about feeling fear and doing it anyway, jumping and the net will appear, about setting intentions, about manifestation of these intentions, about giving yourself permission to be happy and about taking time to pause when you are feeling stressed, indecisive, or unsure.

I talked about what I have written about this week – my iterative thought pattern of happiness, panic, calm, worry, stress and my understanding that all of these thoughts are within my own control. I can choose how I react to every situation, I can choose my moods, my feelings and my approach.

Anyway it has been a relaxing but hot week and I intend to swim and do not much else all weekend. I hope you all enjoy yours.

Until next time, Kisses from the Kitten xoxoxoxox

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