Keen, Mean and Full of Caffeine

I spent all of last Sunday doing my favourite things: bird watching and faffing about my garden. I took wild iris seed pods from the pool area and crumbled the pods and scattered the seeds in another area that is very shady and full of tree roots, so not much grows there. Let's see what …

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The Comfort of Others

I mentioned last week that I have decided to just completely go with the flow and be open to what the universe brings me. Since then I have realised that one of the ways I help people is just by talking to them. I have so many people message me and tell me so many …

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Inadvertently Prepared

I have mentioned before that Norm is doing an investigation into my family tree? You can read my previous post here. He is making great progress and just today has now followed my father's lineage back to the 1500s and linked us to King James of Scotland. In 1530/1533 Princess Jean Elizabeth of Scotland, Kelso …

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The Resilience of Women

Last week at Soul Circle we were talking about how most of us (and many women in general) say they are 'Resilient' as if it is something to be proud of. Meanwhile, being able to always be strong is not always a positive, it can also be a trauma response as Nikki our facilitator mentioned. …

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