
Last week I mentioned that Blue was injured and had to go for x-rays at the vets? Before he left I put my hands on his back and said to Norm I think he has bruised his sacro-iliac area, I think it is something muscular or maybe he has injured a disc? After Norm got …

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The Comfort of Others

I mentioned last week that I have decided to just completely go with the flow and be open to what the universe brings me. Since then I have realised that one of the ways I help people is just by talking to them. I have so many people message me and tell me so many …

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Outta Oxytocin

We have continued our new date night tradition. Norm and I decided to go out for dinner last Sunday as we had been home all weekend due to the Two Oceans Marathon and we felt a wee bit of cabin fever. The wind was crazy all weekend which also creates it's own form of chaos! …

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Emotional Regulation

There are so many terms which have popped up into everyday conversation since I was parenting my littles, one that my therapist throws in a lot is 'emotional regulation'. I had never heard this term when I was a mom of little kids and I lived in LA and went to a million kids classes …

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The Gift

This week has been a bit eventful, but for a home bird like me I guess the bar is pretty low. Norm was away all week so I was coping on my own. I delayed last week's post until we arrived back on Sunday afternoon from our road trip and then Norm flew to Cambodia …

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