Bowing Before Greatness

Cape Town weather is notoriously changeable, most people carry attire in their car boot (trunk for you Yanks) to cater for excessive rain or extreme heat. I often have a wrap, rain boots, flip flops and all manner of things in mine. The Mother City definitely summoned up all of her chaos for last weekend. The South African Weather Service advised of a potential of up to 48 kilometer per hour winds on Sunday.

The rain poured and the wind howled.

On Sunday I ordered some charcoal as the day before when my friend Tam was over the wood I had delivered would not catch light for some reason. She told me that when our French friend was here recently, she gave this tip and it not only helps get it lit but it makes the fire so much hotter. At least that meant I could get my fire going!

The rain just kept coming. And coming. And coming.

But then when I went back to work on Tuesday, the weather was lovely!

The nice weather continued all week, even getting really hot. Then yesterday it started getting a bit overcast and misty. I had booked with some friends to attend the The Organic Magic Project that evening and we were hoping for good weather.

But first I had my assessment from the Neurodivergent Clinic yesterday morning to get through. I was very nervous and had asked for it to be held via Zoom so that I did not have to drive. My therapist was lovely and asked me loads of questions. I had to give her a reduced life history (cos no one has that much time for the extended version) and talk about my work and what my challenges are and why I wanted the appointment. She told me that she can see that I am highly intelligent and that I have used that to ‘mask’ my challenges. I found it very beneficial and I will see her once a week initially.

Then it was party time! Norm and I went to collect Tam and then we went to Yvette’s where we got into the car with Dee’s daughter Jess who was our taxi. We were dropped at the entrance to the place and we made our way along the path and we encountered a dude with sage who did a smudge on each of us. He wandered about the party randomly wafting his smoke.

We then trotted down the huge rolling garden to the grassed area where the tent was set up.

We spotted a beautiful tree draped with LED lights and we set up a little camp there with our picnic blankets and chairs.

Karen, the facilitator was just perfection! She took us through the guided movement exercises. She has a gorgeous voice and with the headphones on it is like she is whispering just to you. You feel so engaged and locked into her voice. I just loved it! She had us all come into a circle (ish) and we all took the micro-dose of mushrooms and then we all danced and moved with her guidance. You could dance however you wished or you could not dance at all, it was entirely your choice how you chose to spend your time there. I danced until my knees were throbbing and then went back to dance from my chair. After I rested a bit I joined back in and we were told to dance with another person and I had a boogie with this gorgeous little pixie in a giant fur coat. Everyone was smiling and happy. Such a different vibe to being in a bar where everyone is fired up on booze.

One thing that I found funny is that I seemed to be the only one who thought of every eventuality and catered for it. I had 3 bottles of water, 2 bottles of orange juice and electrolytes. I had paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, disinfectant and bags for our rubbish. I had snacks. I had blankets and wraps. I was like a one woman Swiss army knife. At one point Janice needed a tissue and I directed Tam where to find them in my magic tardis bag. She handed Janice a roll of paper towels and I said ‘Darling, what are we? White trash? Give the woman a proper tissue!’ in my best southern lady voice which of course made me and Tam laugh our legs off. In fact everything made us laugh our legs off. We were literally rolling around we were laughing so much. I actually wept all of my eye makeup off which then got into my eyes and made me weep all the more. I am already visually challenged but if you inject some Chanel mascara in my eyes that is just the end of any visibility at all.

We were so grateful that it did not rain, but the cold wind was howling and it would cut right through you. Even I was cold, and if I am cold you better bet the ordinary humans are going to be frostbit.

Eventually we ended up packing up about 9pm and Jess dutifully came to collect a car full of loud hysterical women. I got stuck going through the gate and tripped over the gate and fell onto the bonnet of Dee’s car. Luckily I just bounced off and did not even break stride in my hysteria. I was laughing so much it was all I could do not to wee in Dee’s car. I got dropped at Tam and Norm came to collect me just before 10pm. I went home and immediately passed out on the sofa. I woke this morning a bit tired but feeling so content. I will attend the next event if I am free to do so as it was just so liberating and freeing.

I tried something else fun this week. My friend Tam is very intuitive, she can read so many things about the people around her. She has decided to offer a tarot reading service.

I sent her my question via WhatsApp and the following morning she replied with a long voicemail giving the reading that came to her when she asked my question. I will not share my reading with you all as it is quite personal but the information that came through on the reading really helped inform me in what my way forward should be. If you have anything you would like some guidance on, contact Tam via the email address above and she will set you up for your reading. These are the cards she pulled in my reading.

We were to go to dinner this weekend at Caitlin and Wes except they both came down with Covid so we cancelled. In October we have booked 2 special treats for us all for Restaurant Week. We are going for a 3 course Italian sharing menu lunch at Scala in the city and then we are going to PIER Restaurant at the waterfront for an award-winning 8-course tasting menu. It is very exciting as they are both very well known for amazing food. I better find something fancy to wear that my big arse can squeeze into. In fact, two things as I cannot be wearing the same dress in my photos, that would just be rude.

This afternoon we are popping over to see my shaman teacher Tass who flies to Canada next week. I am so sad that she is going from a personal point of view, but the world needs elders like Tass who can pass on the teachings. Tass is one of those teachers the world needs more of. Fly my lil crow!!

I hope you have all had a good week and weekend and I hope that next week is happy for you. Until then, Kisses from the Kitten xoxoxoxxo

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  1. Pingback: Water and Release – Kitten in the City

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