Understanding Different Types of Intuition: Insights, Symbols, and Sensations

I briefly mentioned the Intuition workshop I attended last weekend, but I have now had a bit of time to sit with the info and absorb it. There was too much info to cover it all, but I am working through it and relating it to my own experiences where possible. Obviously the source of all of this information was our instructor Tamlyn and I am just digesting it for my own purposes. I suggest you book a session directly with Tam to relate this process to your own experiences or just to get a tarot reading.

One thing I learned was that there are different ‘types’ of intuition which Tam called ‘umbrellas’. I was vaguely familiar with the majority of these words, but had only thought of them in the ‘sense’ (pun not intended) of a ‘Psychic’ or a ‘Medium’ giving someone a reading or conducting a Seance. Some I have experienced but did not realise that was what was happening.

Clairvoyance is probably the most well known of these terms and in the old days it was often linked to side show acts that did generic fake ‘psychic’ readings most often based on the ability to notice the most microscopic facts about the environment and read other people’s body language easily. Sometimes it was even ‘reading’ someone they planted in the audience who was in on the whole charade.

For a legitimate intuitive, it means the ability to receive insights through visual images and / or symbols. These images and symbols are tailor made for the intuitive to understand. In other words, a rose may always be a rose, but what a red rose symbolises to me vs what it means to someone else could be completely different.

Claircognisance is sometimes also known as “clear knowing”. This is a psychic ability that involves you just knowing information you couldn’t possibly know normally. This is what is most prevalent for me. I just know things. My challenge has been in accepting that I know them and trusting my intuition.

Clairsentience is the ability to sense or feel things through emotions, intuitions and physical sensations in your body. It is the ability to tap into other’s emotional energies and read them. This is what I want to hone, if I have it I am unaware of it. I wonder does my neuro-diversity impact my ability to interpret those emotions? I am terrible at interpreting anyone else’s meaning other than quite literally.

Clairaudience is receiving information auditorily when there is no physical source of the sounds you hear. If you hear a voice whispering in your ear, if you hear a particular song played at a particular time, if you hear phrases repeated in your head, or many other things which involve hearing, that is clairaudience. You may also have a ringing in your ears, I often have this if there is something I need to listen to. For example, my personal experience of clairaudience was years ago in the UK when I woke to a child’s voice whispering ‘Mom’ over and over with increasing volume until I woke and then feeling what felt like a leg weighing me down. When I opened my eyes Norm was all the way on the other side of the king sized bed sound asleep.

I had been told by a medium a few years before that I would be visited when we were living in a barn conversion, and to know my grandmother was with me and that she was looking after the baby I had miscarried before Trevor was born. When I had the reading I had thought it was nonsense as we had just finished renovating our house in Birmingham and I had moved back from London to live with Norm as my project had ended. We had no intentions to move anywhere!

Clairalience is the ability to smell odors that have no physical source. For example, you may suddenly get a whiff of your grandmother’s distinctive perfume or your grandfather’s pipe and you know you have been visited by them. As far as I am aware I have not felt this one even though I have the nasal ability of a bloodhound.

I mentioned that the symbols and images that the intuitive receives will be tailored specifically to them in a way that will be clear to them. An example is that when the medium had told me about my grandmother, she actually said ‘when you smell her perfume you will know it is her’, but I was not sure what her perfume was so my gran used the feeling of her leg thrown over my body to identify herself because that is how we slept when I was a child. Due to my ADHD I could not keep still enough to go to sleep easily so she spooned me and threw her leg over me to hold me down. Holding me down meant keeping me still, which meant falling asleep. When I told my ND therapist this story about how she got me to sleep my therapist was horrified, meanwhile that was my normal. Apparently that is NOT normal.

Anyway, Norm and I had both been offered new jobs in Loughborough and Leicester, respectively. They were nearish each other so convenient if we lived in the East Midlands, but we were an hour and a half drive away in our newly renovated house in the West Midlands. We accepted the jobs and did the daily commute together back and forth for months but it was exhausting and stressful. We could not take the train as Norm needed his car during the day for work. Spending 3 hours a day together in the car is not conducive to a great marriage or a happy life, so we decided to relocate. We found a rental place until we could find a place to buy.

We rented a place from one of Norm’s co-workers sight unseen. It was a barn conversion and it was full of spirits! There was so much activity in that house in addition to the experience with my grandmother. I think it was just such an old property that it was close to the veil or had an opening or portal somewhere in the property.

I would see movement out of the corner of my eye, but when I looked directly towards the area where I saw the movement, there was nothing there. It was a large drafty property and it had an icy feel to it.

The bathroom lights would flash on and off so Norm rang the owner who said the entire place had been rewired when the conversion was done. I stood in the bathroom, looked in the mirror and said ‘If this is a message for me, then let me know’ and the lights flickered off.

This was rather terrifying yet exhilarating so I turned the lights back on, called Norm upstairs, repeated the process again and the lights flicked off again. He admitted to believing me then. He had never experienced anything like this whereas I have had quite a few experiences. I guess that made it easier to believe me when I described the night I was awoken by the spirit of the baby I lost and my beloved Grandmother’s.

In those days I knew nothing about energy work, nothing about self-protection and grounding. One thing which is important when deliberately working with energy is to ground yourself. You can do this by listening to a meditation someone else talks you through, or you can do it via your own means. To ground myself I use a tree. I wrap around the tree and place my palms flat, I send down any negative energy deep into the earth where it can do no harm, and I call down golden orbs of light from above to fill me. If I have the time to do so I sit on mother earth and feel her energy coming up to anchor me.

As an animist, I speak to the trees, plants, rocks and everything around me. I believe that they all speak back to us if we pay careful attention. This week I had a couple of lovely little suncatchers I ordered arrive and I hung them in the trees.

I went down to my shaded area on Thursday and I noticed that the bird on the suncatcher was caught on the air plant hanging from the same tree. That made me have to touch the air plant to untangle it and when I did I noticed that the air plant was very damp where it was against the bark in the crook of the tree and the plant had split. There were 2 little pups just sitting there loose which would have blown away if I had not captured them and secured them.

I am sure people who refute my ability to communicate with plants may think it is nonsense. Maybe they expect something like you would see in a Disney film? Maybe some people do hear words but that is not how it is with me. I just get some signal or other that they need my attention, and ultimately that is all that is required.

I decided to check my master air plant and I gave it a tidy but it still had the little pods from last year’s blooms and when I googled it said it is best to clip them so I gave her a little hair cut. I will now see how long it takes to bloom again!

You can see the bird poop at the top of the plant? That bit of the plant is just below the suet ball container. I noticed that it seemed that I was filling that feeder daily. I thought the birds were just hungry as it was so cold. I looked out the window and saw the real reason why the suet balls are disappearing so quickly!

I had a giggle this week when the fairy pot I ordered arrived. It is tiny.

But it looked cute when I planted it with some small clippings.

It has been fiercely cold with a lot of rain and wind on and off.

The animals were loving that we built a fire last night. They all settled around the fire and my furry blanket.

Last Sunday was Father’s Day and Caitlin popped over with gifts from all of my children for Norman. I am so blessed that the children love Norm and that Norm loves my children.

Caitlin’s little tummy is now protruding properly as she has just passed the half way mark. I got to feel her little girl kicking my hand for the first time and it was just amazing. Caitlin went for her scan this week and she got to feel the baby move while watching it on the screen which is always a bit surreal!

Today I am off to get a facial and then we have a calm weekend in store. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.

Until then, Kisses from the Kitten xoxoxoxxo

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