Vultures & Cranes & Babies, Oh My!

I have had a rather chaotic week. First, I was living like all the single ladies last Monday to Wednesday as Norm was away in Johannesburg. He had booked the doggy day care to take Finn all day so he was occupied all day and exhausted at night. I still had 4 beasties which I …

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A Little Shift to the Left

You know when you were a kid and you were on holiday and you had that 'summer feeling' where your skin felt salty and tight from chlorine or sea water? Sitting with damp swimsuits on the chair cushions and knowing you will regret it later after you have changed and you get your new clothes …

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Off Balance & Out of Alignment

Sometimes my weekends end up being so tiring even if I do nothing. This last weekend was so busy and therefore my tiredness was justified. This week has been full of dramas and disasters which has not really helped perk me up. Last Saturday we had our final Soul Circle for the year. It was …

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