Manifesting a Man

I had two pretty fabulous things happen this week. First of all, if you read last week's post you will have seen that I wrote about trying to manifest a male house sitter? I got him! A friend told me about his son who is a single adult and a home body so the house …

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Keen, Mean and Full of Caffeine

I spent all of last Sunday doing my favourite things: bird watching and faffing about my garden. I took wild iris seed pods from the pool area and crumbled the pods and scattered the seeds in another area that is very shady and full of tree roots, so not much grows there. Let's see what …

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The Comfort of Others

I mentioned last week that I have decided to just completely go with the flow and be open to what the universe brings me. Since then I have realised that one of the ways I help people is just by talking to them. I have so many people message me and tell me so many …

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Outta Oxytocin

We have continued our new date night tradition. Norm and I decided to go out for dinner last Sunday as we had been home all weekend due to the Two Oceans Marathon and we felt a wee bit of cabin fever. The wind was crazy all weekend which also creates it's own form of chaos! …

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The Peace of Acceptance & the Ease of Ignorance

I was recently thinking about when I was young and carefree. I was about as deep as a puddle despite being educated, I was only educated in Science related things, not anything to do with EQ or street savvy. I only developed empathy once I had children, this may be part of being Neurodiverse but …

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Rollin on the River

My kids cannot believe that I can tolerate animals in my environment, much less sleeping in the bed with me. I have always been incredibly OCD, in particular about germs. I still am a germ avoider where I can be but I do not stress out about their mess any longer. Usually. Norm arrived back …

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Vultures & Cranes & Babies, Oh My!

I have had a rather chaotic week. First, I was living like all the single ladies last Monday to Wednesday as Norm was away in Johannesburg. He had booked the doggy day care to take Finn all day so he was occupied all day and exhausted at night. I still had 4 beasties which I …

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The More We Know

This week the weather has again been a bit of a see-saw. Today we woke to a lovely gentle rain but we have also had some incredibly hot days. Last Sunday and Monday it was crazy hot. I had been booked for drumming last Sunday but I just felt exhausted. I wanted nothing other than …

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Bucket List

Friends know that I am frog-o-phobic and we have a horrendous situation going on at the moment. We have a toad somewhere in the house. How do we know? Toad poop. If you know toad poop, then you are never mistaken about the origin of that poop. It has no sphincter marks like normal poop …

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A Little Shift to the Left

You know when you were a kid and you were on holiday and you had that 'summer feeling' where your skin felt salty and tight from chlorine or sea water? Sitting with damp swimsuits on the chair cushions and knowing you will regret it later after you have changed and you get your new clothes …

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