Whatever Happened to Amy?

I watched the new Shonda Rimes series 'Black Barbie' on Netflix. I had no clue about the huge difference in the timeline of when a white Barbie hit the shelves and when a 'black' Barbie was finally developed, and how much longer it was before a black doll with more realistic features was created. The …

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The Resilience of Women

Last week at Soul Circle we were talking about how most of us (and many women in general) say they are 'Resilient' as if it is something to be proud of. Meanwhile, being able to always be strong is not always a positive, it can also be a trauma response as Nikki our facilitator mentioned. …

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The Net Will Appear

Last weekend was so chilled and low key, despite the weather being in the high 20s to 30s Celsius. It was crazy hot and when my women friends came around on Saturday I decided to just put out fruit, cheese, meats, vegetables, dips, crackers and things to snack on rather than do any cooked food. …

Continue reading The Net Will Appear

Adjustment of Intentions

I cannot believe that we are mid-January already and that I have now been back at the client for a full week. I had my contract extended another 6 months and I am really happy about that, I adore this client. I would be delighted to stay until I retire at 65 in a few …

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Lessons from Drag Queens

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am slightly obsessed with Drag Queens. I have just finished watching Werq The World. The messages were that you have to accept yourself, accept that you are who you are and to not care what anyone else thinks. Accept that you are the best version of yourself …

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The Touchstone

I am happy to see the arrival of November because I have been living the single life for the majority of October. I feel like I cannot really complain because I manifested 'prosperity' and Norm's consultancy has taken off amazingly. Norm is so happy working and his client contracts are what finance my new windows …

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Used to be Young

I was so happy to be able to fly to George to see Lily, Trevor, Josh and Amelia. Josh's mom Jackie is home at the moment and it was lovely to get to spend time with her too. We are very similar in so many ways. Josh and Lily picked me up from the airport …

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Three Sevens & Four Generations

I'm a Grandma! My Lily gave birth to Amelia Ray Davidson via C-section in George, South Africa on 7/7/2023 at 11:30am. Both mother and baby are well. Amelia weighed in at a healthy 3.625 kgs / 7.9 lbs. and she is 51cm / 20.0787 inches in length. She is sheer perfection and absolutely beautiful. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cucb9nQKXwh/

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